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an adventurous, excited 30-something who grew up in the Midwest.

To be honest, I’m kind of obsessed with everything. They call it multi-passionate & it explains a lot.

I’m a Physical Therapist, Online Health & Fitness Coach, Published Author x2, Circus Artist, and Military Wife.

In 2013, I graduated Physical Therapy school with $151,000 in soul-crushing student loan debt, no idea how to stop hitting the snooze & actually workout, and little experience with being a “real adult.”

Seven years later, I have mastered my workout routine (5x/wk), have 64k left on those same loans, & have realized none of us truly have all the areas of life figured out, so I’m choosing self-grace instead of being addicted to an unsustainable model of success.


I am a reformed snooze hitting,
anti-morning person turned
morning workout enthusiast
who decided fitness was the best way
to make new friends.


Some of my all time favorite things are:

  • dreaming about our next travel destination

  • pretending to run away with the circus

  • listening to an inspirational podcast: QOD show

  • drinking coffee & reading a book on our porch

  • taking a walk around our adorable little town with my husband who we’ll call batman (his online alias).

  • laughing about how I suck at cooking in our fit group: the girl squad (& concentrating on healthy desserts instead)


Why Fit Friends are so important to me:

I remember not having a lot of friends growing up, or if I did they inevitably moved away (three times in four years). I remember wondering when I was seven, if I would ever end up having a best friend. A person where I was their best friend & they were mine. Not like this person is my best friend but I’m not theirs, because someone else has been their best friend so I end up questioning over & over again, “what is wrong with me?” “why can’t I find my own best friend?”

Feeling second tier in the best friend department was so tough for me growing up. I didn’t end up finding that best best friend until high school and that girl (Marcie) — well she ended up being my twin in almost everything. We went to the same college, joined the same sorority, went to grad school and both became Physical Therapists, then we started The Girl Squad together, because I just didn’t want to run our own groups when the whole reason I started doing online workouts was to work out WITH my bestie (we lived in AK and PA then).

These days, blame it on the military lifestyle or because I finally decided to OWN who I was (quirks & all) but I am really confident in my ability to make friends. Those friends, well they literally bring so much joy to my life. I have two besties now (Marcie & Kacie) who keep me grounded & an entire fit girl squad who keeps me feel connected to this big, wild world we live in. I couldn’t be more grateful for having an online girl squad, so much so that I am obsessed with sharing it with other women. If you’ve ever thought, “Gosh, making friends as an adult is so dang hard,” OR “Wow, I wish I could be surrounded by a positive, uplifting group of women, do they even exist because I seem to only be surrounded by mean girls at the moment…” The Girl Squad is for you. I hope you’re curious enough to check it out so we can be friends. If you’re not sure, definitely grab the free workout download so you can try out my workouts & we can get to know each other better.

I’m a chronic “over-achiever,” who is learning that rest does not equal weakness & that I need to create goals that are meaningful to me & not ones other people think I should achieve.


curious about how I got into the health + fitness space? Read more about that here..

Ready to master your home workout routine or curious about what I’m doing to stay fit? Maybe you’d rather hear about the ambitious projects amazing women are showing up for. Either way, it’s all in the girl squad fit monthly emails.

Each month you’ll receive two emails: one focusing on fitness & one focusing on whole hearted ambition.


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